Like the Ship made from cloves!
Vampire Slaying kit anyone? ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Here is my lil brother modeling the 'car of the future' ...pretty snazzy huh?!
Donna Reeds every where are wishing right now that they had on of THESE vaccum cleaners! Strong enough to suck up any size of dust bunny!
Mental note, the Jivaro indians arent very friendly, they shrink their enemies heads!
I dont think this is one of the famous California happy cows........
This is def on the believe 'NOT' list!! Apparently Ripley found a taxidermist that was selling these fur covered trout....making big bucks off of them too! This is most def false though, its rabbit fur glued to the fish, but that really didnt need explaining now did it..
Downward men!
Tallest man ever recorded made me feel....... very short...ha ha!
I thought this was really cool, this was painted onto a sunflower seed! I had my camera zoomed all the way in and used their magnifying glass to capture this shot
And last but not least, Me next to the giant ball of yarn!!
That concludes your virtual tour of Ripley's believe it or not museum, Hope you all were wowed and amazed!
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